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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
krenúza n. Dealer; one who arranges deals.
krenza n. Printer (informal).
krídhídu n. Grapheme.
kriftu n. Waist.
kríveré v. To adnominate; to re-use the same sound in multiple contexts.
kru n. Medium (paper, canvas); the substrate upon which a work of art is made.
krúzría n. Papermaker.
ksoghé v. To devise.
Ksreskéza n. The Ksreskézaian brane or a Ksreskézaian female.
Ksreskézikí a. Ksreskézaian.
Ksreskézinivíu n. Ksreskézaian citizen, product, or possession.
Ksreskézinu n. Ksreskézaian culture.
Ksreskézo n. The Ksreskézaian homeworld or a Ksreskézaian male.
ktú ex. Onomatopoeia for a boom or explosion.
ktúe n. Boom.
ktúké v. To explode.
ktúkiforí a. Explosive.
ktúktía n. Explosion.
ktúthé v. To make a boom sound; to explode or implode violently.
mp. Destinate mood.
kú– (2) pre. Intentional.
Kúanení a. Telaian.
Kúanía n. Kuanid, the Telaian language.
Kúaninu n. Telaian culture, specifically modern Kuanid-speaking Telaian culture.
Kúba n. Cuba.
kúdeku n. Hobbit.
kúé v. To make; to do.
kúgrafa n. Standing wave; legible pattern of caustic distortions in water.
kúgré v. To shake.
kúgredivé v. To be unable to think; to suffer from confusion or dementia.
kúgredivessa n. Dementia.
kúgríla n. Ripple; wave.
kúgrudzha n. Knowledge of interpretation in cymatospicy.
kúgwé v. To oscillate.
kúgwediku n. Tide.
kúkaité v. To clip.
kúkasé v. To lose something to theft, typically not of significant emotional value.
kúkre n. Coarse debris.
kúlé v. To fill; to fulfill; to fully utilize; to complete.
Kúlézoka n. Emotional agitation of Ossa; Venika jargon to describe contamination of the Etharine by the stasrintshéai and impediment of Saäzede.
kúnu n. Rabbit.
kúo pm. Using, harnessing, intentionally exploiting.
kúorí a. Operational, said of a factory; able to make.
kúple n. Fine debris.
Kúpro n. Cyprus.
kútaié v. To assassinate.
Kúwéto n. Kuwait.
kwadé v. To struggle.
kwaimoría n. Tea, especially herbal.
kwaimoru n. Herb.
kwaisekúbé v. To augment an odour or flavour pleasantly; to spice.
kwedzin m. Why.
kwendu (1) n. Tolkienian elf; see also eldu.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
kwes pm. Because.
kwí conj. FPIC element indicating the nature of a relationship.
kwíkedoví a. [of a tragedy] involving substantial humanitarian cost.
kwola n. The KW consonant cluster, used especially to describe QU in other languages, or sometimes the letter "Q".
kwondé v. To not understand; to be confused by a statement or conversation.
kwontessa n. Failure to understand.
kye– pre. Repeatedly, repeated (before a consonant).
kyente n. Structural integrity.
kyenwé v. To integrate into a structure [transitive].
kyepteshé v. To flicker.
kyer– pre. Repeatedly, repeated (before a vowel).
kyeranatra n. Chorus; repeated verse or stanza.
kyeré v. To rub.
kyéta– pre. Habitual; a recurring event with duration.
kyétabíze n. Job.
kyetahé v. To mutate; to change spontaneously over time as a result of influences.
kyetavé v. To happen or occur periodically.
kyete n. Bead, token, or scrap of paper used to indicate a responsibility on a bizano roster.
kyéteñkúé v. To integrate into a routine; to make habitual.
kyetové v. To designate.
kyetovelío n. Designation.
kyetsoila n. Job lottery; box used to store job beads.
lafu n. Health; constitution.
lagallí a. Bold, daring.
lai– pre. Greatly, strongly; before a vowel, use lain instead.
laiabedía n. Drought.
Laibeda n. Liberia.
laibosiptí a. Fabulous.
laiëgorí a. Quick; fleet-footed.
laiëstekí a. Hale; well-spoken; lucid; healthy.
laïethorí a. Loose-lipped; revealing; talkative; gregarious.
laìkí a. Colossal.
lailokí a. Eager.
laimana n. Highly passionate critique; rant or rave.
laimanurí a. Critical; criticizing.
laimipé v. To assault.
lain– pre. Greatly, strongly; before a consonant, use lai instead.
laiñkelevegzí a. Colossal.
lainya adv. Extremely; intensely.
laiteteneí a. Lively; living; animate; boisterous.
laitinsurí a. Costly.
laitrúarí a. High-profile; distractingly obvious.
laitrúka n. Caution.
laitrúkidí a. Cautious.
laitrúürí a. Wide awake; alert.
laivenklegu n. Fossil.

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